Ester C Vitamin C Difference

Ester C Vitamin C Difference

Difference Between Vitamin C and Ester-C

• Categorized under Health | Difference Between Vitamin C and Ester-C

Vitamin C vs Ester-C

Vitamin C is needed to start the formation of collagen, norepinephrine, and carnitine among others. The only problem is that the human body is not able to manufacture this vitamin by itself. That is why it is regarded as an essential vitamin. It is, therefore, necessary to eat foods rich in vitamin C or take vitamin C supplements in order to reap its wealth of health benefits.

In its supplement form, vitamin C is prepared in a variety of ways with Ester-C being a vastly distributed variety. Ester-C is actually not the same as the L-ascorbic acid (natural vitamin C) because calcium ascorbate is the primary ingredient. It just incorporates some metabolites of vitamin C. The reason for this odd combination is supposedly to give leverage to Ester-C over regular vitamin C in terms of bioavailability.

Natural vitamin C is derived from fresh vegetables and a plethora of fruit varieties. This vitamin is important because it helps strengthen the body's major defenses and combat free radicals. Having too much intake of this vitamin is never alarming since there's no such thing as an overdose of vitamin C. However, people who have gastrointestinal abnormalities may show toxic signs of vitamin C, but only in extremely high doses. In either case, an abnormally high intake of vitamin C products is said to lead to diarrhea.

Ester-C is obviously pricier than regular vitamin C because it has been commercially prepared in the laboratory. But biologically, Ester-C is just the same as vitamin C because it can give the same benefits of skin repair, improving vision, and combating diseases to name a few. Originally, Ester-C was marketed claiming that it had greater bioavailability than regular vitamin C (three or four times greater). This implies that one has to take only a single dose of Ester-C to achieve the same results as taking in three to four capsules of vitamin C. However, this claim is highly contested because several studies have found that there really is no significant difference in bioavailability between the two forms of vitamin C.

One aspect that Ester-C can be proud of is its pH neutrality. Ester-C was made to have a more neutral pH as compared to vitamin C's slightly acidic natural composition.


1.Vitamin C is more natural compared to the trademarked or patented Ester-C.
2.Vitamin C is L-ascorbic acid while Ester-C is mainly calcium ascorbate with vitamin C salts.
3.Vitamin C is more acidic than Ester-C
4.Vitamin C is cheaper than Ester-C.
5.Although still highly debatable, Ester-C is originally said to be more bioavailable than vitamin C.

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, . (2011, August 29). Difference Between Vitamin C and Ester-C. Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects.
, . "Difference Between Vitamin C and Ester-C." Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects, 29 August, 2011,

Written by : Julita. and updated on 2011, August 29

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Ester C Vitamin C Difference


Ester C Vitamin C Difference Ester C Vitamin C Difference Reviewed by Alan on Desember 03, 2021 Rating: 5

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